
Wednesday, January 14, 2009's 6:45 am and I just heard the schools are CLOSED!!

I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about our weather, but just one more. Today it is 34 and RAINING. The schools are closed because of the ice that is coating everything. The streets are ice rinks and they want everyone to stay off. And on that happy note - the high pressure system that had us in the deep freeze for so long is now over Minnesota and the Midwest, so say an extra atta boy at Kevin, where he is biking at -15.

Now for the good part....I'm going back to bed!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Funny, I heard that too...I think it was because the Anchorage Daily News sends "breaking news" to my email. EVERYTHING is breaking news. But anyway, I was like, wow, snow day. Ice day! Those lucky kids- it'll probably be their only one! And lucky you!!

    Poor Kevin...I do not envy him. Hopefully they're letting him stay indoors.
