
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let's have a little global warming!

Today is the 10th straight day of negative double digit temperatures. Yes, not just negative temps, negative double digit temps. I really don't remember seeing numbers like -20, -30 around Anchorage since I was a little girl. Sure, up in Fairbanks it's expected, but not here. It is brutal, let me tell you. Only a few years ago we were marveling that Anchorage really was the perfect place to live (except for the cost of getting out of here) I mean, we had balmy summers, mild winters, a temple, most stores people can't live without - now we even have a Target for heaven's sake - but the last couple years have seen a turnin' tide. I think last summer we had exactly 2 days over 70 degrees, and this winter - well, let's just say, it's WINTER. So, Al Gore, get your rear in gear and make your doomsday prophecies a reality why don't cha!! I guess we can call anything that happens "climate change" and then you're never wrong. That's just it, climate changes over time, in cycles. I remember in high school, we were being warned of an impending ice age. It's always time to panic over something, I guess.

Have you noticed that the same people who tell us it's impossible to build a border fence are the same ones who think we can knock the earth off it's axis or some such? Don't get me wrong, I want clean air and clean water as much as the next guy, but I also want to drive my SUV and heat my house, and solar ain't gonna cut it. Especially around here.


  1. That's sooo cold! You should move down here!

  2. amen sister,
    you go there...
    I'm in the serious, WHY DO WE LIVE HERE frump. We have to get out soon (maui?) or,or,I cannot be held responsible.
