
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

OK, Ashley, here goes......

My Man Tag

What is your husband’s name? Bradley Vern Green

How long have you been married? 28 years, what should we do for our 30th?

How long did you date? uh, kind of a loaded question... we knew each other and wrote letters for a year, but only actually dated a few months.

Who eats more sweets? for sure Brad. He's met very few sweets he doesn't like. I've met very few that I do. Mostly just chocolate.

Who said I love you first? That I don't remember.

Who is taller? Brad, by 7 inches.

Who can sing the best? Brad, no question. He has a beautiful voice. I try.

Who is smarter? well, probably me. Sorry, honey! Unless it's about computers or math or the Gospel. Then he's smarter. Much smarter.

Who does the laundry? I do. But he can!

Who pays the bills? Brad does. Especially since it's all on this newfangled computer program. He better not die before me or no bills will get paid.....

Who mows the lawn? Brad does. And all the other outside type jobs. Except I plant flowers. A few flowers. A couple.

Who cooks dinner? I do, but Brad helps sometimes, especially since it's just been the two of us. I still don't like to cook, or think about cooking. I wish we didn't have to eat, except for pleasure.

Who drives? Brad does. Rarely, I do....but it always feels weird....for both of us.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Probably him. But then he has much more practice! :)

Who kissed who first? I think it was a mutual activity! He was a good kisser, very soft lips. TMI?

Who asked who out first? Well, since he'd already asked me to marry him before we went out, I guess it was him!

Who wears the pants? We have more than one pair too. (hey, where'd the orange print go?) Neither of us is in charge, we're a team! Go team!!

OK, I tag Lindsay and VoNique and Kristi. Can't wait to hear it!!


  1. Ummmmm... Too bad the questions aren't numbered for easier refutation!

    But alas, Julie has the right of it. I'm a very fortunate guy. Married WAY above me.

    She IS pretty enthusiastic with some of those revelations isn't she?

    Ahhh... it is true. It is all true! Love you Honey. ;-b

  2. I'm so behind on blogging! I don't know when, but I'll do it!
