
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thoughts on Obama

Today was quite a day in this nation of ours. Many thoughts have come to mind about our new president in recent's 10:
l. Obama seems like a genuinely nice guy, Michelle a nice woman and they have a beautiful family.
2. He is one of the most inspirational speakers ever, able to inspire with his words.
3. His words in his inaugural address and particularly in his speech at the ball with the military were wonderful.
4. If he holds true to the philosophies and ideals expressed in those speeches, we are in good hands.
5. If he holds true to what he has said he would do, during the campaign and before the campaign, then I'm worried about a slow descent into socialism, and a very government heavy approach to every problem. I'm worried about higher and higher tax rates on the income generators of our nation. The stock market drop today, I think, shows the degree to which business owners, corporations, entrepreneurs and others, are worried about the changes coming down the road.
6. I hope the above doesn't happen.
7. It's a great day for African Americans and all Americans who are so tired of race baiting and division.
8. It was a great day for African Americans and all Americans who are so tired of race baiting and division when we had the first black Supreme Court Justice and the first black Secretary of State. You just wouldn't know it because they were Republicans. Someday we'll judge everyone by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin or their politics.
9. My heart has broken many times lately by the treatment of Pres. Bush, who I also know is a good and decent man who has the best interests of the country at heart. He's not stupid, he's not evil and he's not a liar. The treatment of him lately has crossed over from oppositional and demeaning to unbelievably cruel.
10. I hope Obama is a wonderful president, who will save the economy, end all wars, end poverty, make sure we all have well paying jobs, food to eat, a home to live in, end global warming and all other crises that we face. That would be great. I also hope that he will just be a good and honorable man, who will do his best with a difficult hand to play, that he will be true to the philosophies espoused today, and that America will begin to heal what ails her. GOBAMA!


  1. wow,
    that just about sums it up. and then some, and a little more...thanks for the enlightenment.
