
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Catch Up on Reine

Ryan sent us a message a bit ago saying in essence -"You remember you have a blog, right?". Sometimes it might seem we don't. Remember, I'm meaning. Blogging, once one gets "behind" is hard to get back to, right VoNique?

Much has happened since November. Lots of fun with family at Thanksgiving, Christmas and just about any day since Reine came into our life. We cherish the time we have with her. She is changing so fast, growing up and coming into her own sweet personality. I don't believe there has been born a baby more gentle and happy. Maybe just as, but not one more. Her disposition is so pleasant. Even her crying is very cute and she cries only when she's hungry or hurting (she's had a recent bout with diaper rash). We have loved receiving her smiles and gurgling. We have lots and lots of pictures of her, not as many as her parents perhaps but lots. I first began to mark all the photos I wanted to include in our "since November catch-up" blog. Then Julie thought anybody who looked at our blog would be bored absolutely to death going through so many pictures that are special and adorable to only those that are close to her. So a few collages were put together to show some of the pictures. They are in order, meaning that the photos in the first collage are older than the second collage and then on to the third being the newest.

Click on the photos to enlarge

Lindsay has posted a lot of photos and some might be duplicated here. This collage is taken from a "photo shoot" we did when Reine was only a couple weeks old. She was generally very good but did get tired and impatient at the end. My favorite in this group is the middle one on the left. She was using her lungs to their utmost. I actually took it looking at her upside down and then flipped the picture over.

I also love the pictures of Lindsay and Reine. To see our daughter with her own daughter and to see the love in her expressions is priceless. She is a good mom. I like seeing Michael with Reine too. He is such a good dad and husband. They are both very patient. I'm impressed with the way these two are taking to parenthood. Like ducks to water!

The collage above takes us through Thanksgiving and not much further I'm pretty sure.

The one above is basically through New Year's Eve and January. Recently, I've been taking more videos than pictures because of her facial expressions, smiles and noise making. She tells some long-winded stories from time to time.

Reine loves to stand up and she is really the most fun when she's standing up. HOWEVER, that is when she is the most lethal! Especially soon after she's eaten. Amazing how spit up from my own granddaughter doesn't bother me the way it would from some other youngster.

I was going to change my slacks anyway...

One evening Julie and I went to Ihop with Lindsay and Reine. I got to sit on the same side as Reine! In this picture and in the videos above, Reine is looking across the table at her mother and grandmother. She was very well mannered and didn't even fuss when I kept all the pancakes to myself.


  1. *gasp* A new blog!! Love it! Now your friends won't think she's a perpetual newborn! :) I love the collages, what a great idea. There are some adorable pictures in those that I don't have!! And the videos are really really cute- that second one of her at IHOP, she was talking for like, a minute and a half! Aww, she's adorable, that little one of mine! :) Although at the moment she is offending my nose with her stinkiness. I must go change the little munchkin. :)

  2. I can't say I know what you mean about getting behind on blogging...I swear June was like, last month or something. Anywho...way cute pix and videos. I love the one where you guys are trying to get her to smile and then she pukes instead. And she makes the cutest little noises!
