
Monday, February 22, 2010

WHAT is going on?

Please tell me I'm not the only one...

I am having trouble with the "layout" function of Blogger. In the past I've never had difficulty moving the "gadgets" to order them the way I want. Now I am frustrated up to here and higher!

AND another thing I've noticed about my posts lately is that the videos are blacked out. Previous videos always show a still shot of the video. I wonder if it is because my videos of Reine are now usually vertical instead of horizontal.

(An aside here... with my camera I HAVE to shoot videos horizontally to view them properly. If I position the camera vertically the video replay shows on its side. Horizontal isn't always the best format for what is being recorded! Well, my iPhone allows videos to be shot vertically, which I LOVE. Hence, many of my videos are now vertical- especially of Reine who is usually sitting or standing when I'm videoing, NOT lying flat on her back perfectly horizontal to the camera.)

So that might be why the video thumb is blacked out. It might not know what to do with that crazy, odd format. No! The snow removal videos are blacked out and they're HORIZONTAL! WHAT is going ON!

SO! Why are the gadget thumbs in layout so uncooperative? Anyone else having a problem there? You haven't made any changes to yours lately? Get on it! I've got to know!

I haven't found an easy way to contact Blogger to express my ire.

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed blacked out videos on my friends' blogs too, so maybe that's a new thing? I don't know about that. I'm sorry you're still having difficulty with the thumbs...that is really strange. I was just trying to find a way to email them dice. How annoying.
