
Monday, April 20, 2009

Some (not too) old stuff

So back in March, Brad and I decided to take in the festivities of the start of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, which most of you know is the longest, most grueling race of it's kind. 1000 miles from Anchorage to Nome. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, but Saturday mornings being what they are......we dillydallied a little too long, as it turned out. As we were looking for a place to park so we could walk down to the trail, we saw several dog teams go by....but we got there and waited, and waited and Guess What? They were done. We missed them all. Oh well. (I got a good shot of Julie standing by the trail though! bvg)

We decided it was time to work on the office. It used to be Ryan's room, and in about 1998 he thought it would be a good idea to paint it all different colors. A different color on each wall, red, blue, green and purple & a yellow ceiling. Over the years, we've decided we kinda like it, in fact we like it alot! So when it needed repair and repainting, instead of taking the opportunity to paint it some normal color, like tan or something - we just painted it the same colors! It was actually much easier than trying to cover up the color. So, what do you think?


  1. that ryan... he's such an interior designer.
    :) maybe THAT's why he watches to much HGTV now.

  2. Haha, I love it. Great "iditarod" pictures. And I'm so glad you're keeping the same colors! That's fun!

  3. Nice video. I'm glad you kept the colors. I'm trying to convince Ashley to do it in our future master bedroom. I SWEAR I saw that once on "how to please your wife" on HGTV

  4. love it! Specially the back ground mus-ic...Eagles?? life in the fast lane....perfect
